H-Wurf aus dem Rotmaintal
Ch. Buster Keaton aus dem Rotmaintal
x Rowhide's Lily of the Valley
WT: 01.07.1996, 3/3

Ch. Buster Keaton aus dem Rotmaintal Rowhide's Lily of the Valley

Ch. Buster Keaton aus dem Rotmaintal
Ch. Familytree Footsteps Ch. Familytree Huggybear Ch. Huggy Bears Davy Crockett CD
Familytree Model A
Ch. Familytree Flirtation Walk Familytree Nothing Ventured
Keswyck Foolish Pleasure
Ch. Shaggy Bear's Bonnet Bonnie Ch. Pockethall Prince William Ch. Pockethall New Shoes
Ch. Pockethall Silver Shoes
Surprise Van 't Schokkerland Shaggy Bear's Sugar Foot Stomp
Bobbie (6.7.83)
Rowhide's Lilly of the Valley
Rowhides Huckleberry Finn Rowhide's Big Mobey Dick Int. Ch. Reeuwijk's Fancy Pants
Reeuwijk's Frances Pride
Rowhide's Future Fantasies Int. Ch. Xiangxi Zizhizhou vom Onkenhof
Reeuwijk's Frances Pride
Rowhides Gentle Touch Int. Ch. Why Not vom Karthäuser Hain Int. Ch. Ellenglaze Ladies Choice
Ch. Quecksilber vom Karthäuser Hain
Reeuwijk's Frances Pride Int. Ch. Ellenglaze Ladies Choice
Reeuwijk's Audry

Hamlet aus dem Rotmaintal, Rüde
Henry aus dem Rotmaintal, Rüde
Hunter aus dem Rotmaintal, Rüde
Hazel aus dem Rotmaintal, Hündin
Holly aus dem Rotmaintal, Hündin
Hummel aus dem Rotmaintal, Hündin

Hummel, Henry, Hunter, Hazel, Hamlet, Holly
Henry "Heute schon die Zähne geputzt?"